Photo credits: ©Luis Lumbreras 2016

At  Oerlikerpark and Wahlenpark with:

Cie. Skree Wolf | Genf.  Concept: Rudi van der Merle / Béatrice Graf. Dancers: Rudi van der Merwe | József Trefeli | Clarie-Marie Ricarte | Musician: Béatrice Graf. Genf | Monika Günther / Ruedi Schill. Lucern |   Raquel Ponce. Gran Canaria/ ES | Nathalie Stirnimman/ Stefan Stojanovic. Zurich/ Novi Sad SBR | Mathieu Sylvestre. Basel/Berlin | Klara Schilliger/ Valerian Maly. Bern | Lilian Frei. Zurich/Locarno | Julia Geröcs. Zurich  | Gregorio Viera. Gran Canaria/ES |  Andrea Vogel. St. Gallen | Cie. József Trefeli. Dancers: József Trefeli /Gyula Scerepes. Genf/Brussels

The invited artist Romy Rüegger (Zurich) couldn’t take part of this edition due to an accident the night before to the festival.

Video: Pascal Lampert | Photographer: Luis Lumbreras | Assistent : Marc Mouci | Grafik Design: Visnja Dominkovic Schütz | Media: Christoph Soltmannowski / Maricruz Peñaloza | Catering: Thai Food Station | Idea, concept, realisation Maricruz Peñaloza

The 7th. edition of the PRNOE 2016 was possible with the kindly support of Kanton Zürich:

Fachstelle Kultur | Quartierverein Oerlikon | Ernst Göhner Stiftung | ProHelvetia for Cie. Skree Wolf and for Cie. József Trefeli. Geneva | Stadt Luzern. FUKA Fonds for Monika Günther und Ruedi Schill. Lucern | Südkulturfonds for Stefan Stojanovic. Novi Sad/SRB | Cabildo de Gran Canaria Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Gran Canaria for Raquel Ponce and Gregorgio Viera. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/ES.



©performance reihe neu- oerlikon 2023. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of the texts or phots is expressly prohibited. contact: performancereihe@gmail.com.